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Monday, January 31, 2011

Self Love & Valentine's Day....Life Coaching Activities

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed
Life Coach

Check out my Self Love Challenge at the end of article.

February month and Love is all around…or is it?

February has been designated as the month to tell those we love just how much we love them. It is a big sales time for chocolates, cards and frilly clothes. Red is everywhere.

Love is an abstract. We can’t actually see love, what we see is the external actions of Love. So as humans we need a reference point to know where love comes from. We are told or we have come to understand that love comes from our heart. So the Heart symbol gets lots of media attention during February…Valentine’s Day.

Building on this, heart & stroke associations work to get their message out about heart health.

Is there a connection between love and heart-health ?

I believe there is.

Loving Self leads to a healthy heart.

The most important Love to focus on is Love of Self. If we don’t love our self we can’t possibly love someone else. Loving self, accepting self, nurturing self are necessary for a healthy self and a healthy heart.

1. If we don’t love our self we are filled with self hate which leads to Stress.

2. If we don’t accept our self we filled with self doubt which leads to more Stress.

3. If we don’t nurture our self we will suffer from lack of sleep and nutrition which also causes a Stress.

Stress can cause high blood pressure and heightened levels of cholesterol.Therefore lack of Self Love will cause physical Heart problems. So yes Self Love will keep you healthy.

Let’s start this month with a big heaping of Self Love.

What are you going to do to Love yourself today?

I invite you to make a list of how you will Self Love. It would be neat to create a list, here on the Blog, of your Self Love activities for everyone else to see. No names included, unless you say so. Please email me and I will begin the Blog List. Share this Blog with friends and family so they can join in.

 Let's start a Self Love Challenge.

My email
Have a Self Loving day. You deserve it.


  1. Those were informative facts . i have read book about Life Coaching and they are really useful.

  2. Great post! Thank you.
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