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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Want to Be A Successful Life Coach? Life Coaching Tips

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach

You are ready, initial training is complete and now you want to be a successful coach.

But how?

Act as if’….. a process defined by the great psychologist William James, basically states:

That if you want to be successful, Act As If you are.

You want to be a Successful Life Coach so Act As If you are a successful Life Coach.

Your actions and behaviors should mirror those of a successful Life Coach.

Your Actions influence your Beliefs.

Act As If You are a Successful Life Coach.

You will believe it and so will others.

What does that mean?

1. Use professional language when introducing yourself.

2. Create a professional business card.

3. Develop a professional website.

4. Create a professional email address.

5. Have a professional picture of yourself on your website and LinkedIn.

6. Talk the talk (of Life Coaching) and walk the walk.

7. Believe in yourself.

8. Keep learning!

Act As If is a technique you can continue to use to build self confidence, attract clients and be successful.

You have all the power you need to be a successful life coach.

“If you can think it, you can achieve it.” Napoleon Hill

Have a successful business.

Check out my book

Coach Phyllis

Contact me

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Powerful Life Coaching Questions---- How To Develop

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach

As a Life Coach do you struggle sometimes to get just the right question to ask your client?

As all of the answers are within us, the questioning process is the key to life coaching.

Socrates said, “ Enlightenment lies not in the answer but in the question.”

Powerful Question Process

I have developed a process in my Life Coaching business that helps me in the development of Powerful Life Coaching Questions.

Preparation is essential to a successful life coaching session.

Prior to a session with a client:

1. I review the notes from my last session.

2. I re-read emails from my client.

3. I use this information to connect completely with my client’s needs and goals.

4. I clear my thoughts of everything else and focus solely on my client.

5. Powerful Question form and flow.

6. Write them down on paper…you will use them again.

Check my new book for more information Life Coaching Activities & Powerful Questions.
Available on Amazon.

Coach Phyllis
Contact me

Monday, October 25, 2010

Most Important Skill in Becoming a Life Coach

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach

Are you self aware?

How many of us move through life unaware of how our actions, or lack of create the life we have?

As a Life Coach, you need to become very aware of your Life, if you are to coach other’s in their Life.

Life is not easy.

Life training is not given to us anywhere in our school system.

For most, Life, and achieving a meaningful life, happens by hit or miss and discovery.

As a Life Coach you will work with individuals to lessen the ‘hit or miss’ events and help them create success through directed planning.

This will only happen if you as a Life Coach develop and maintain a level of personal Self Awareness.

Listed below are some questions for you to help develop and maintain your Self Awareness.

These are taken from by book, Life Coaching Activities and Powerful Questions.

7 Powerful Questions

1. How do you see yourself?

2. What do you expect of you?

3. What do you demand of you?

4. What do you believe about you?

5. What do you believe about other people in your life?

6. If you were on a sport’s team (hockey, rugby) what contribution would you make?

7. If you had a personal flag what would be the symbol?

Take these questions and use them to self reflect. Change is constant and so we too constantly change so take time to reflect, learn and grow.

Check out my new book Life Coaching Activities and Powerful Questions for more powerful questions.Available on Amazon.

Coach Phyllis

Coantact me for more information

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Creating a Successful Life Coaching Business?

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach

You have your Life Coaching training;
You have your business plan in place;
Now what?

In any business there are key personal skills that an entrepreneur needs to be successful. This holds true also for those of you starting your Life Coaching business.

In my E-Fit Workshop I explore the Eight Essentials to a successful business. One of which is Self Awareness.

As a Life Coach you will be working with your clients to help them better understand themselves or create a self awareness.

Self awareness is key to success in all areas of life, work and business.
Therefore you will need to become Self Aware and maintain that self awareness.

Just what does that mean?

As a Life Coach you need to know you. Otherwise how can you coach others?

I am offering you some questions to help you explore you as you begin your Coaching career.

These are questions that you can also use with clients.

Life Coaching Questions

1. What is success to you?

2. How will you know when you are a successful Life Coach?

3. What are your strengths?

4. What makes you unique as a Life Coach?

5. What can you do better than anyone else?

6. What new knowledge do you need?

7. What do you believe about you as a Life Coach?

Take time to think about these questions.

Believe in You.

Be the greatest Coach that you can be.

Check out my book, Life Coaching Activities & Powerful Questions for more Powerful Coaching Questions.
Coach Phyllis

Have a successful day!

Monday, October 18, 2010

All Life Coaches Need to Know This Answer...What Is Life Coaching? Life Coaching Activities & Powerful Questions

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach

This is an excerpt from my newly published book Life Coaching Activities & Powerful Questions

Many times I'm asked, "Just what is a Life Coach?"

Most people understand the role of a coach in sport, be it hockey, rugby, swimming or golf. They however, struggle sometimes with the concept of Coaching and Life.

If we think about it, Life is the biggest game we will ever play. We are all on the team. We are not going to get a second chance to win the trophy. Our contribution that we make depends on us. We have the power and control to be the best Life Player that we can be.

The following is an excerpt from Life Coaching Activities & Powerful Questions

Life Coaching has offered me an opportunity to see and explore the world with a different set of eyes.

“The real act of discovery lies, not in finding new lands, but in seeing with a new set of eyes.” Marcel Proust.

I have come to learn and understand the words of Socrates,

“The enlightenment is not in the answer but in the question.”

Also I have discovered how powerful Questions can be in directing our life.

The process of Life Coaching that I use consists of a set of skills that if understood, practiced and used daily will enhance not only our lives but those whom we interact with at work and in life.

These skills consist of:

Success Strategies
Strategic Planning
Self Belief
Mind Set
Work/Life Balance
Personal Strengths
Positive Mental Attitude

Life is not simple nor is it easy. We need knowledge and support along the way to achieve to our full potential.

“Most people know what they want but they don’t know how to achieve it.”
Coach Phyllis

Be ready with your answer when you are asked the question, 'What is Life Coaching? You will get it many times!

My book will be upon Amazon by the end of October.

If you would like to know more about Life Coaching contact me

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Quotes ---- Food for Thought---------- Life Coaching Activities

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach

As you start to make your Weekly Plan today, give some thought to the Quotes I have listed here.

These are some of my favorites. Take them and use them if they fit your life and your Life Coaching Activities.

Do you have a favorite quote?

I find that the more I have in my ‘Quote Bank’, I will be sure to find one to fit the many parts of Life. Many times a quote will summarize how I feel or start me thinking toward the action I should take.

Use. Share. Post.

Make them yours.

We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough. Helen Keller

If people only knew how hard I worked, they wouldn’t be so amazed.

The beginning is half of every action.
Greek proverb

It sometimes seems that intense desire creates not only its own opportunities, but its own talent. Eric Hoffer

Our aspirations are our possibilities.
Robert Browning

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other thing.
Abraham Lincoln

Most people know what they want but they don’t know how to achieve it.
Coach Phyllis

If you think you can or you can’t, you are right.
Henry Ford

Enjoy your day and plan well.Check out more of my Life Coaching Activities.

Coach Phyllis

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Self Motivate Through Developing Desire…..Life Coaching Activities

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach

October 16th, Saturday morning and you may be struggling to get out of bed to take part in the fitness program you joined in early September; to complete the “To Do List,” or to start that fall home project.

What is it about us humans that we can get so excited about new activities but as a month or so goes by that motivation dies?

How do we keep that initial excitement?

How do we maintain our motivation?

Obviously you wanted to work out at your local paid your membership.
You wanted to do whatever you placed on your, “To Do List,” and that fall project, well you have the big bills for the supplies you have already purchased.

So what keeps us from moving?

What causes the initial excitement to diminish?

Maybe the question we should be asking is:

How can we keep motivated?

In my Life Coaching practice I talk about a Self Motivation formula:

D + C + P + P = M

Desire + Commitment + Planning + Persistence = Motivation

Today let’s look at the D factor….Desire.

According to Napoleon Hill author of Think and Grow Rich,

Desire is the starting point of all achievement.”

What is Desire?

I define desire as something that you truly want.

I believe that it has to be a goal that is linked to something you strongly value; family, health, money etc.

Ex: You join a fitness class to stay fit and healthy so you may live longer to enjoy your family.

How do you develop desire?

Using this value as a link or hook is a starting point for creating your desire. It creates a deeper commitment to achieve.

How does it motivate?

Your values drive you. Your values are your very essence, so hooking a goal to a value not only creates the Desire but moves you to Action.

Action is Movement. Movement creates Outcome. Outcome produces Motivation.

Hook your Goal to A Desire and stayed Motivated!

Check back for the rest of the Self Motivating Formula and have a Motivated day!

Coach Phyllis

Friday, October 15, 2010

I Want to be a Life Coach--- Life Coaching Questions to Direct You

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed
Life Coach

So you are thinking about becoming a Life Coach.

According to much research out there, Life Coaching is one of the fastest growing careers in the world. While it is deeply known and understood in certain geographical locations there is still a need for much education on the topic.

To help guide you in your decision I have listed Life Coaching Questions for your reflection and consideration.

Try these:

1. What is it about Life Coaching that attracts you to this career?

2. Do you have a passion for working with people?

3. Do you have a good awareness of yourself?

4. Are you non-judgmental?

5. Do you see the best in people?

6. Are you ready to create your own business?

7. Do you love to read, research and learn?

8. Do you believe you can Coach?

9. Are you an active listener?

10. Are you a positive person?

Whatever training you choose to do, it is very important that you reflect and consider these questions. They will increase your own self awareness which is key to becoming a Life Coach.

I would really like to know if these questions help.I would love to hear from you

Coach Phyllis

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Life Coaching Activities & Powerful Questions....Book

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed
Life Coach

I am delighted to say that my book Life Coaching Activities & Powerful Questions has been published.

It is now available through my publisher Create Space

and will be upon Amazon with in 2 weeks.

This is my first book and has been a very rewarding project.

The book contains over 150 Powerful Questions and numerous Life Coaching Activities that are taken from my day-to-day practice.

This book is a must for life coaches, teachers, school counselors, human resource personnel and parents.

Check it out and help make your life more successful.

Have a successful life.


Life Coaching Activities & Powerful Questions----My Book

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed
Life Coach

I am delighted to say that my book Life Coaching Activities & Powerful Questions has been published.

It is now available thorugh my publisher Create Space

and will be upon Amazon with in 2 weeks.

This is my first book and it offered some challenges, but what good is life without a challenge?

The book contains over 150 Powerful Questions and numerous Life Coaching Activities that are taking from my day-to-day practice.

This book is a must for life coaches, teachers, school councellors, human resource personnel and parents. Check it out and help make your life more successful.

Have a successful life.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Motivation & Planning........Life Coaching Activities

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach

Is Motivation connected to Planning?

What do you think?

If Motivation is the result of Action and
Action is the result of Planning....then
Motivation is a by-product of Planning.

Start Planning & Get Motivated with Life Coaching Activities

Did you know that only 3% of the population makes Plans?

Are you a part of the 3% or the 97%?

Let's try to increase that 3% to 5% today.

What to do, Plan, Plan, Plan

1. Get the plans out of your head.

2. What ever device you choose use, just start.

3. Whether you choose a pencil/paper, a fancy day-planner, computer program or a palm held device, the process is the same.

4. Make a list! Make it your List!

5. Now Prioritze. What should you do First?

6. Take this First goal and create actions steps to insure completion.

7. Set a time line for completion

Every little action toward your goal will casue momentum....movement...motivation to move on to the next.

Your mind needs concrete images to move it to other words a Plan!

If you would be interested in more information on Planning please contact me.

Coach Phyllis

Saturday, October 9, 2010

John Lennon Imagine-d a World of Peace.....Life Coaching Activities

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach

John Lennon Imagine-d a world of Peace.

Is there Peace in Your World?

Today, Oct 9th would be his the 70th birthday.

Lennon was a teen idol, a musician, a poet and above all a positive thinker.

In one of his more memorable songs Imagine, he writes:

Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

Yes, just Imagine.

What a world we would have! We could move from country to country and feel as one. While we wait for this peace to arrive in the world, which some may say will never happen, maybe we can do our best to focus on our own world and bring peace to it.

Your Imagine Exercise

1. First, think about what constitutes your world.

2. Make a list of everyone in your world.

3. Now think about the word, Peace. What does it mean to you? Note.

4. Are you at peace with yourself?

5. Do you have a Peaceful relationship with all in your world?

6. How can you create this peace?

7. Imagine!

Have a Peaceful day. It is not only a nice thing to do, it will contribute to your physical health. And why not Google Lennon’s song Imagine and have a listen. The Google icon today has embedded a sketch of John Lennon.

Coach Phyllis

Friday, October 8, 2010

Thanksgiving in Canada ----- Life Coaching Activities

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach

Although many of the First Nations in Canada had a long tradition of celebrating the harvest and giving thanks this time of year, the very first formally recognized Thanksgiving Day began with Martin Frobisher.

Frobisher and his crew had been trying to find a northern passage to the Pacific Ocean and to celebrate a safe return from that search Frobisher celebrated with a Thanksgiving celebration.

In the year of 1578 he held a formal Thanksgiving celebration in Newfoundland. This was one of the first Thanksgiving Days held in Canada.

You may not have taken on something as risky to personal safety as a search for the Northwest Passage but life can get very challenging at times and it can be difficult to see the positives or reasons to be thankful.

There exist as of recent years a full body of research based on Positive psychology; the basis of which states that the more positive one is the higher your degree of life satisfaction and the greater your wellbeing.

To me giving thanks, or let’s say, finding reasons to give thanks can be tied closely to Positive psychology…so why not give positive...benefit greatly from this mind set.

Life Coaching Activities for Thanksgiving

1. If you don’t already have one, create a gratitude list. At the end of each day note at least one thing for which you can say thanks or be grateful.

2. This weekend or sometime this week email, phone or a drop a note to someone, possibly from your past, who was a help to you in your career or life. Won’t they be surprised! They may even copy your actions.

3. Daily, give a recognition to those at work or in your life who are integral to your success but sometimes are taken for granted.

4. Become aware of your personal health and abilities and give a thanks to yourself for all that you have accomplished.

5. Create a Focus of Gratitude. It creates a Positive energy and flow and benefits you and everyone around you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

For more information on Life Coaching or any of my workshops, please contact me.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Discover Your Motivation Triggers ...... Motivational Life Coaching Activities

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach

Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice. Wayne Dyer

Having trouble getting Motivated?

What does that word mean any way?

We hear about motivational speakers, motivational self help books, motivational quotes…but just what is Motivation?

Check out the word ‘Motivation’ in a thesaurus and you will find words like ….incentive, drive, enthusiasm, driving force, inspiration…….in other words something that gets us moving and creating Actions.

What’s your motivation?

What’s your motivator?

What moves you to Action?

We all have one or more motivators. Think about a time that you had to get something done…work project.. family project... fitness for personal health.
What was in your thoughts that moved you to Action.
Could those thoughts motivate you again?

Whatever your motivator one thing is essential and that is a Desire. A desire that is hooked to something you value in life; or something you fear in life; a desire strong enough to move you to Action.

Life Coaching Activities & questions to direct Motivation.

Where does your Motivation come from?

What’s your Motivation trigger?

1. Fear of loss?

2. Desire to have something?

3. Need or desire for money?

4. Desire for happiness?

5. Avoidance of the unpleasant?

6. Personal satisfaction?

7. Other’s needs?

8. Rewards?

9. Validation of your contributions?

10. The greater good?

Motivation needs Desire
Motivation is moving…it is taking Action.
Action is necessary for Success.
Motivation leads to Success
Motivation fills your Desire

Please take and use these Life Coaching Activities.

Coach Phyllis

90 Days Left in 2010….What is Your 90 Day Plan? Life Coaching Planning Activities

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed
Life Coach

Oct 2nd 2010 leaves us with 90 days until the end of the year.

What projects do you want to get completed?

Have you got your plan?

So often people will respond to this question with, yes I have it in my head…I’m thinking about it. Wrong answer.

Goals have to be action directed. In other words they have to be written on paper and defined in action steps. If they stay in your head they are too fuzzy or undefined. Plans are useless when you keep them in your head.

Here are Life Coaching Activities for revising or writing your 90 day plan.

1. Make a List: Pencil and paper process…okay if you use a computerized planner that’s fine but you still must go through the same process of Making a List!!!

2. Create the Actions: Ideas without action are only dreams. Dreams may feel nice but they’ll get you nowhere. List your Actions needed to reach your goal.

3. Make it Public: No, I don’t mean local papers or TV, I mean, place your list of goals in an open place in your home and office so they are visible to you daily. They are then always in the forefront of your thoughts and your thoughts direct your actions.

4. Persist: Commit and stay with it. Have a best friend hold you accountable. If you slip get back up, dust yourself off and continue.

Think about this: 90 days is 2160 hours. What is your 2160 hour plan?

Please use with your clients.

Coach Phyllis

Friday, October 1, 2010

Motivation Dropping? Life Coaching Activities for Persistence

CoachPhyllis M.Ed.
Life Coach

Staying Motivated takes a little work.

So you started a fitness program in early September and you were full of excitement and energy. Your list of goals in hand you headed to your gym but recently some of that enthusiasm has dwindled. What o do? How an you get that energy back?

Life Coaching Activities for Persistence

1. Write down your goals and put them where you can read them every day. Make your goals realistic.

2. Daily visualize or picture the outcome you want.

3. Know that all of your successes happen because of the time and energy you put into them.

4. If you slip, get back up, dust off your crown and keep going.

5. Tell a close friend or a life coach what your goal is; this helps keep you accountable.

6. Work on your goal every day.

7. Stay positive about your goal.

8. Continue to gather information and knowledge about your goal.

9. Don’t allow negative comments of others keep you from achieving your goal.

10. Reward yourself!

“If you wish success in life, make perseverance your bosom friend.”

Joseph Addison