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Monday, December 13, 2010

New Year's Resolution .....Part Two..........Planning

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach

" I am rather like a mosiquito in a nudist camp; I know what I want to do, but I don't know where to begin."
Stephen Bayne

It is getting close to that time of year again, no not taxes.....the dreaded NYR...where everyone asks, so what is your New Year's Resolution?

You may have one or you might reactivate the 2010 NYR, as it didn't get very far. Or you might be able to resonate with the Quote...and not know where to begin.

I am offering you some of the techniques I use with clients.

Some writings like,The Secret, may lead people to believe that they merely need to create a vision or vision board and whatever they want will come to them. NOT SO!

Every successful person in this world had a vision but they didn’t stop there. Success, and by that I mean achieving what you say you really want, is accomplished through Vision, Planning and Persistence.

That applies also to your New Year’s Resolution.

My last Blog addressed the Vision piece of a Successful New Year’s Resolution. Today let’s talk about the Planning that is also an essential part to being successful with your NYR.

Life Coaching Activities/Tips

Your New Year's Resolution

1. Keep it realistic and appropriate.

2. Make sure it reflects you and your needs and wants.

Don’t make a NYR just because the rest of your co-workers are. Make it yours.

3.Be passionate about it. Passion will help get you over those rough spots!

The Plan
Okay, let’s get started on The Planning.

Got that pencil and paper ready? I love that paper & pencil.

Now from what you wrote the last day, note on the top of this page your # 1 Goal 2011. If you have more, then list them later with this same process.

Goal # 1. Name it.

1. Now, I want you to write out as many Action Steps that you think you will need to do to help you achieve this Goal. This could be three or it could be a dozen. You decide.

2. Now take each of these steps and break them down further into mini Action Steps.

3. Next, list all of these mini steps in the order they need to be completed.

4. After each of these mini action steps assign a completion date with a place for a check mark.

5. Check off when completed.

Next day I will talk about Persistence and the role in Successful NYR.

Have a great day. Take time to relax during this extra busy time of year.


Coach Phyllis
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