Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach
Check out these 10 resolves that can add value to your life.
It is a known fact and research shows that over 80% of New Year’s Resolutions fail; I have addressed this in my past three Blogs.
Now check out these 10 resolves that can add value to your life.
I received an email earlier this week from Jenny, a LinkedIn connection, sharing with me a blog post on New Year’s Resolutions. I thought you might find it as interesting as I did. Due to copyright I can't reprint the same Blog as requested but I will summarize and provide you with the link.
I enjoyed this article as it presented tasks that we should do but some may not always persist.
Check out blog for their 10 resolves. At first glimpse they may appear a little light hearted but they are 10 things that can improve your life. Hope you enjoy!
Here they are:
1. Be nicer to people.
2. Get more sleep.
3. Give blood.
4. Indulge in moderation.
5. Floss regularly.
6. Do your best at work.
7. Do exercise that makes you happy.
8. Recycle.
9. Give more affection.
10. Stop overspending.
Final note. Whatever your resolve this new year, grab a pencil and paper and make your Plan. Success will only happen when you have a plan.
Happy New Year!
Coach Phyllis
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Sunday, December 19, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
2011 New Year's Resolution...Life Coaching Activities.........Part Three
Phyllis Reardon M.Ed
Life Coach
“We can do anything we want to do if we stick with it long enough”
Helen Keller
Part Three of Successful New Year's Resolutios.
The next step in being successful in achieving your New Year's resolution is, Persistence or stick-to-itness.
Successful people never give up and if one way doesn’t work they try another. This is the least sexy step to success, but as essential as the others.
To help with maintaining Persistence, it will be necessary to review your Action Plan.
Check on stated actions.
Note your completions or successes.
One little action or success can lead to more success. You know the old adage, ‘nothing succeeds like success.’
Life Coaching Activities & Tips to Increase Persistence with 2011
1. Think positively and be kind to yourself.
2. Review your goals weekly and note successes.
3. Surround yourself with positive people.
4. Avoid those people who pull you down.
5. Redo or update your physical environment. Even small changes help.
6. Persist.
7. Reward yourself.
8. Keep Going. Persist.
Have a wonderful hoilday season and a happy 2011. See you in 2011!
Coach Phyllis
Life Coach
“We can do anything we want to do if we stick with it long enough”
Helen Keller
Part Three of Successful New Year's Resolutios.
The next step in being successful in achieving your New Year's resolution is, Persistence or stick-to-itness.
Successful people never give up and if one way doesn’t work they try another. This is the least sexy step to success, but as essential as the others.
To help with maintaining Persistence, it will be necessary to review your Action Plan.
Check on stated actions.
Note your completions or successes.
One little action or success can lead to more success. You know the old adage, ‘nothing succeeds like success.’
Life Coaching Activities & Tips to Increase Persistence with 2011
1. Think positively and be kind to yourself.
2. Review your goals weekly and note successes.
3. Surround yourself with positive people.
4. Avoid those people who pull you down.
5. Redo or update your physical environment. Even small changes help.
6. Persist.
7. Reward yourself.
8. Keep Going. Persist.
Have a wonderful hoilday season and a happy 2011. See you in 2011!
Coach Phyllis
Monday, December 13, 2010
New Year's Resolution .....Part Two..........Planning
Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach
" I am rather like a mosiquito in a nudist camp; I know what I want to do, but I don't know where to begin."
Stephen Bayne
It is getting close to that time of year again, no not taxes.....the dreaded NYR...where everyone asks, so what is your New Year's Resolution?
You may have one or you might reactivate the 2010 NYR, as it didn't get very far. Or you might be able to resonate with the Quote...and not know where to begin.
I am offering you some of the techniques I use with clients.
Some writings like,The Secret, may lead people to believe that they merely need to create a vision or vision board and whatever they want will come to them. NOT SO!
Every successful person in this world had a vision but they didn’t stop there. Success, and by that I mean achieving what you say you really want, is accomplished through Vision, Planning and Persistence.
That applies also to your New Year’s Resolution.
My last Blog addressed the Vision piece of a Successful New Year’s Resolution. Today let’s talk about the Planning that is also an essential part to being successful with your NYR.
Life Coaching Activities/Tips
Your New Year's Resolution
1. Keep it realistic and appropriate.
2. Make sure it reflects you and your needs and wants.
Don’t make a NYR just because the rest of your co-workers are. Make it yours.
3.Be passionate about it. Passion will help get you over those rough spots!
The Plan
Okay, let’s get started on The Planning.
Got that pencil and paper ready? I love that paper & pencil.
Now from what you wrote the last day, note on the top of this page your # 1 Goal 2011. If you have more, then list them later with this same process.
Goal # 1. Name it.
1. Now, I want you to write out as many Action Steps that you think you will need to do to help you achieve this Goal. This could be three or it could be a dozen. You decide.
2. Now take each of these steps and break them down further into mini Action Steps.
3. Next, list all of these mini steps in the order they need to be completed.
4. After each of these mini action steps assign a completion date with a place for a check mark.
5. Check off when completed.
Next day I will talk about Persistence and the role in Successful NYR.
Have a great day. Take time to relax during this extra busy time of year.
Coach Phyllis
Contact me
Coach Phyllis
Life Coach
" I am rather like a mosiquito in a nudist camp; I know what I want to do, but I don't know where to begin."
Stephen Bayne
It is getting close to that time of year again, no not taxes.....the dreaded NYR...where everyone asks, so what is your New Year's Resolution?
You may have one or you might reactivate the 2010 NYR, as it didn't get very far. Or you might be able to resonate with the Quote...and not know where to begin.
I am offering you some of the techniques I use with clients.
Some writings like,The Secret, may lead people to believe that they merely need to create a vision or vision board and whatever they want will come to them. NOT SO!
Every successful person in this world had a vision but they didn’t stop there. Success, and by that I mean achieving what you say you really want, is accomplished through Vision, Planning and Persistence.
That applies also to your New Year’s Resolution.
My last Blog addressed the Vision piece of a Successful New Year’s Resolution. Today let’s talk about the Planning that is also an essential part to being successful with your NYR.
Life Coaching Activities/Tips
Your New Year's Resolution
1. Keep it realistic and appropriate.
2. Make sure it reflects you and your needs and wants.
Don’t make a NYR just because the rest of your co-workers are. Make it yours.
3.Be passionate about it. Passion will help get you over those rough spots!
The Plan
Okay, let’s get started on The Planning.
Got that pencil and paper ready? I love that paper & pencil.
Now from what you wrote the last day, note on the top of this page your # 1 Goal 2011. If you have more, then list them later with this same process.
Goal # 1. Name it.
1. Now, I want you to write out as many Action Steps that you think you will need to do to help you achieve this Goal. This could be three or it could be a dozen. You decide.
2. Now take each of these steps and break them down further into mini Action Steps.
3. Next, list all of these mini steps in the order they need to be completed.
4. After each of these mini action steps assign a completion date with a place for a check mark.
5. Check off when completed.
Next day I will talk about Persistence and the role in Successful NYR.
Have a great day. Take time to relax during this extra busy time of year.
Coach Phyllis
Contact me
Coach Phyllis
Thursday, December 9, 2010
New Year's Resolution.......Three Things You Can Do........Part One
Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach
"Planning is bringing the future into the present, so you can do something about it now".
Alan Lakein
Part One The Vision
Well, it is that time of year again...what 3 weeks?...21 days until 2011?...
What happened to 2010?
It's gone, not to be gotten back but you have another new, fresh year ahead of you.
Now what?
Today, I'm offering One of Three Things that you can do to have a successful, productive and exciting 2011.
Are youu ready. Let's begin.
Get out that pencil and paper! Yes you might want to transfer to a computer program later but for now let's start writing.
Answer this question.
1. What do you really, really want to accomplish in 2011?
Another way to think of this is to ask:
2. What would you do in Life and Work if you knew you would not fail?
Start making your list.
Ask yourself
3. Is this realistic and appropriate to my needs and strengths?
Be careful with this one. Don't under sell your self. Be honest.
4. Ask yourself how this goal will fit with all other parts of your life and
Take a few days to think about this and add and delete as necessary... I did say a pencil!
Create your Vision.
Dream Big.
Write it down.
Part Two on Monday, December 13th.
Where ever you are in the world have a great day!
Coach Phyllis
Life Coach
"Planning is bringing the future into the present, so you can do something about it now".
Alan Lakein
Part One The Vision
Well, it is that time of year again...what 3 weeks?...21 days until 2011?...
What happened to 2010?
It's gone, not to be gotten back but you have another new, fresh year ahead of you.
Now what?
Today, I'm offering One of Three Things that you can do to have a successful, productive and exciting 2011.
Are youu ready. Let's begin.
Get out that pencil and paper! Yes you might want to transfer to a computer program later but for now let's start writing.
Answer this question.
1. What do you really, really want to accomplish in 2011?
Another way to think of this is to ask:
2. What would you do in Life and Work if you knew you would not fail?
Start making your list.
Ask yourself
3. Is this realistic and appropriate to my needs and strengths?
Be careful with this one. Don't under sell your self. Be honest.
4. Ask yourself how this goal will fit with all other parts of your life and
Take a few days to think about this and add and delete as necessary... I did say a pencil!
Create your Vision.
Dream Big.
Write it down.
Part Two on Monday, December 13th.
Where ever you are in the world have a great day!
Coach Phyllis
Monday, December 6, 2010
Life Coaching Christmas Tips to Relieve Christmas Stress
Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach
One well know Christmas song uses the refrain,
'the most wonderful time of the year.'
Is it? How come then there is so much stress?
Stress is not built into us. It is created by how we react to events in our life and Christmas is an event. How you respond to it may increase your stress.
Being aware of this is key to not allowing it to happen, or in lessening it through these Life Coaching Christmas tips.
Please use and share with clients or friends and family and it well may be the most wonderful time of the year.
1. Create your Christmas plan
Put pen to paper and write up activities and tasks for each day for the next two weeks. Check when completed.
2. Be reasonable & realistic with yourself and others
Remember, we are human and no one is perfect. The cakes, cookies and decorations you see on TV and in magazines are staged. It took many professionals many hours of their time to achieve this look. Cookies can burn and they do!
3. Focus on the real meaning of Christmas for you
If this means family, make sure you schedule uninterrupted family time. Turn off all phones for a period of time.
4. Introduce your children to some games you played as a child
Board games create memories and are great fun. They bring people together in a family circle.
5. Get other family members involved in house work
Depending on the age, simple and safe household tasks can be completed by most.
6. Be kind to Your Self
Take time to relax you. Go for a walk, take in a gym class, read a book, do nothing!
7. Decide to make Christmas Day a stress free day. That is up to you!
Have a stress free Christmas or Holiday Season.
Coach Phyllis
Life Coach
One well know Christmas song uses the refrain,
'the most wonderful time of the year.'
Is it? How come then there is so much stress?
Stress is not built into us. It is created by how we react to events in our life and Christmas is an event. How you respond to it may increase your stress.
Being aware of this is key to not allowing it to happen, or in lessening it through these Life Coaching Christmas tips.
Please use and share with clients or friends and family and it well may be the most wonderful time of the year.
1. Create your Christmas plan
Put pen to paper and write up activities and tasks for each day for the next two weeks. Check when completed.
2. Be reasonable & realistic with yourself and others
Remember, we are human and no one is perfect. The cakes, cookies and decorations you see on TV and in magazines are staged. It took many professionals many hours of their time to achieve this look. Cookies can burn and they do!
3. Focus on the real meaning of Christmas for you
If this means family, make sure you schedule uninterrupted family time. Turn off all phones for a period of time.
4. Introduce your children to some games you played as a child
Board games create memories and are great fun. They bring people together in a family circle.
5. Get other family members involved in house work
Depending on the age, simple and safe household tasks can be completed by most.
6. Be kind to Your Self
Take time to relax you. Go for a walk, take in a gym class, read a book, do nothing!
7. Decide to make Christmas Day a stress free day. That is up to you!
Have a stress free Christmas or Holiday Season.
Coach Phyllis
Friday, December 3, 2010
Christmas Gifts for Children.....Dinosaurs and More!
Phyllis Reardon, M.Ed.
Life Coach
I just had an email from a friend who asked if I could recommend some children's books for Christmas gifts. This immediately got me thinking about when my children were young and the books that were big on their list.
They were fascinated by dinosaurs. Each of them, and I have four, developed this interest at about th age of three and it lasted for several years.
As an educator, with a degree in developmental psychology, I found this very interesting. Wouldn't you think they would be scared by these huge, unusual looking creatures? But no, they couldn't get enough of them.....books, figurines...puzzles.
So if you are thinking about which books to get for your children or grandchildren for Christmas, check out Dinosaur books.
I am listing several that you may find interesting.
Happy shopping!
Life Coach
I just had an email from a friend who asked if I could recommend some children's books for Christmas gifts. This immediately got me thinking about when my children were young and the books that were big on their list.
They were fascinated by dinosaurs. Each of them, and I have four, developed this interest at about th age of three and it lasted for several years.
As an educator, with a degree in developmental psychology, I found this very interesting. Wouldn't you think they would be scared by these huge, unusual looking creatures? But no, they couldn't get enough of them.....books, figurines...puzzles.
So if you are thinking about which books to get for your children or grandchildren for Christmas, check out Dinosaur books.
I am listing several that you may find interesting.
Happy shopping!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
New Life Coaching Book -------- Life Coaching Activities & Powerful Questions
Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach


Sales of my new book,Life Coaching Activities and Powerful Questions: A Life Coaching Activities Workbook
are doing very well, I am very pleased to say.
One very interesting comment I received from a reader was:
'I eat up self help books but this is the only one that I felt was directed toward me. It took me through the process. Wow, I am really discovering things about myself.'
This is it! This is what every Life Coach wants.
As I began the study of Life Coaching several years back I too felt the same way.
As I state in my book:
Life Coaching has offered me an opportunity to see and explore the world with a different set of eyes.
“The real act of discovery lies, not in finding new lands, but in seeing with a new set of eyes. “Marcel Proust”.
I have come to learn and understand the words of Socrates,
“The enlightenment is not in the answer but in the question.”
The Book
Life Coaching Activities and Powerful Questions: A Life Coaching Activities Workbook
This book takes you through the Life Coaching process in terms of definitions, quotes, activities, exercises and Coaching Questions as designed by Inc. Also included are Note sections so you can make your comments on what worked best for you.
Check it out at Amazon.
It is a great tool for clients or for self discovery.
Any questions please email me.
Coach Phyllis
Life Coach
Sales of my new book,Life Coaching Activities and Powerful Questions: A Life Coaching Activities Workbook
One very interesting comment I received from a reader was:
'I eat up self help books but this is the only one that I felt was directed toward me. It took me through the process. Wow, I am really discovering things about myself.'
This is it! This is what every Life Coach wants.
As I began the study of Life Coaching several years back I too felt the same way.
As I state in my book:
Life Coaching has offered me an opportunity to see and explore the world with a different set of eyes.
“The real act of discovery lies, not in finding new lands, but in seeing with a new set of eyes. “Marcel Proust”.
I have come to learn and understand the words of Socrates,
“The enlightenment is not in the answer but in the question.”
The Book
Life Coaching Activities and Powerful Questions: A Life Coaching Activities Workbook
This book takes you through the Life Coaching process in terms of definitions, quotes, activities, exercises and Coaching Questions as designed by Inc. Also included are Note sections so you can make your comments on what worked best for you.
Check it out at Amazon.
It is a great tool for clients or for self discovery.
Any questions please email me.
Coach Phyllis
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