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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Trust Yourself ------ Life Coaching Strategies

By Karen Demmery
Guest Blogger

Trust Yourself

For some reason we believe that because we are on the path to growth and spiritual enlightenment, or even just to make positive changes in our lives, that only good things will now come our way and nothing negative will ever happen again.

That really is funny because life happens and yes, bad things do happen to good people. It is important to know that life is about polar opposites. If there is good, there must be bad. If there is up, there must be down. It is just law.

We can attempt to fight against it or we can go with it, embracing it and realising that in order to move to the next phase of life, we must embrace and move through whatever is presenting itself to us.

It is only when we fully embrace the situation we don’t want to face that we can then be present and then we can find a solution that will not only serve us, but also give us the possibility of the greatest measure of growth. The road of adversity really can be paved with gold.

If we believe that change will not be good for us and will leave us vulnerable and wounded, then realise, it is usually in those exact moments that miracles do occur.

Most people have not been taught coping skills when it comes to adversity and issues of conflict. We do not know how to stand fully present in any situation that does not support us. But it does not have to be that hard or painful.

When you believe that all things, yes all things, arrive for your growth and the purpose of helping you to evolve and become a better, more well round and adjusted person, then you are truly ready to embrace life and start uncovering the magnificence and opportunities that are everywhere.

Begin to ask questions that will help you uncover the answers you need to find a solution. The question not to ask yourself is ‘why me’?

There are many answers to this question and unless you are willing to see it as a blessing, you may be at risk of falling into a victim mode which will not help you to move through it.

You may like to ask questions such as:

1. How is this situation serving me?

2. What gifts and skills do I have that I can use to help me get through this?

3. When have I been in this situation before and how did I get out of it then?

4. Can I learn from this?

5. Do I need to get help from someone else to get through this in a positive way?

6. What needs are being met by this situation?

7. Do I trust myself enough to know I can handle this and I will get through it in a good way?

Each of these questions opens your mind up for answers to flow to you in a way that will support your higher good and keep you from going into a pity mode.

The other great thing about these questions is that it gets you back to your authentic self and a knowing that you have all the answer you need inside of you. This is just the opportunity for you to realise that and to practice it.

Trust that you will know exactly what to do when you need to do it and with all the support you need.

Karen Demmery is a trained Life Strategist, NLP Master Practitioner and coach with over 15 years experience in helping people to live the life of their dreams.

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