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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Praise and Appreciation Wherever Whenever

By Lia Fenelon
Guest Blogger

I have just received an e-zine from Heather Dominick, Energy Rich Coaching and I found her topic so heart felt that I just had to share the sentiment with you.

She talked about the power of praise and appreciation. Being willing to compliment someone on whatever it is that you find pleasing about them or telling them how great you thought they were at….

I agree with Heather, we don’t do this enough. I’m guilty of this myself. I attended a networking event a few weeks ago and found myself talking to one of the speakers at the event. I really liked the outfit she wore and in particular the top that she was wearing. Now, I really love clothes, the way they allow us to express ourselves, how our individual sense of fashion can permit us to give our creativity full rein and how our clothes can portray how we are feeling in our lives at that moment and in general.

But I digress, I loved her top and I wanted to say so, but I didn’t. I felt inhibited. I felt it just wasn’t the done thing and besides I wasn’t sure how such an action would be received. Would she feel uncomfortable? Would she think I was weird? In reality the speaker probably spent a lot of time choosing her outfit and would have welcomed some acknowledgement that she had chosen well and looked good. Alas she didn’t get any, at least not from me.

I’m usually one for saying what I think. I like complimenting people and in general I make a point of doing so if I appreciate something about them. It was just that, however, it just didn’t seem appropriate at a business event. Again, I reiterate, I agree with Heather; I think we shouldn’t hold back from uttering kind words and encouragement to others no matter what the setting.

In fact it may be that your words, expressed from the heart, might be just what the recipient needed to hear.

My Bio:
Lia Fenelon is a Theta Healer, Angelic Reiki Master, Colour Therapist and Happiness and Prosperity Coach. She is the creator of Star Coaching which helps women who are at a crossroads in their life to recover their hidden talents and abilities and discover their Life Purpose.

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