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Monday, February 6, 2012

Need to Make a Life Change? Check out Life Coaching

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach

Awareness is the greatest agent for change.” Eckhart Tolle

The purpose for Life Coaching is Change and as the greatest agent for Change is Self Awareness then Self Awareness is a major part of my Life Coaching process.
The more Self Aware you are the better Decisions you make; the better the Decisions you make, the more successful your Outcomes.

How does one become Self Aware?

Becoming Self Aware
I have defined 10 Skills that are an integral part to a person’s life. Awareness of how you function in each of these skills will help you create a clear picture of your Self, creating a high degree of Self Awareness.  

These skills consist of:
Success Strategies
Strategic Planning
Self Belief
Mind Set
Work/Life Balance
Positive Mental Attitude

Each and every one of these Skills needs to be developed and maintained for success and happiness in Life and Work.
A healthy Self Awareness is like having 20/20 vision. We can see and understand the events around us and how we should respond for a successful life.

How Well Do You Know Yourself? 

                     Socrates said,   An unexamined life is not worth living.”

 Life Coaching Activities & Powerful Questions  

How Well Do You Know Yourself?  
The following Life Coaching Powerful Questions are from my book, Life Coaching Activities & Powerful Questions, Amazon and focus on Creating Self Awareness.

Please use these questions. Write out your answers. Reflect on your answers.

1.  How do you see yourself?

2. How do others see you?

3. What are your strengths?

4. What makes you different from others?

5. What makes you the same?

6. What are you settling for at work and in life?

7. What do you demand of you?

8. Rate yourself from 1-10 on each of the Skills listed above.

9. Where do you need to increase your skill?

Write out your answers.
What does your picture look like?
Are you seeing any clearer?

Contact me if you need to make a Change!  I offer a complimentary session.

For more information email ne

Have a Self Aware day!


  1. Confidence is really important to go through life. Thanks for this nice post!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
