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Monday, February 1, 2010

Life Coaching Activities for Women at Work. Lower Stress and Live Longer. Work Is At the Heart of Stress. Be Your Own Valentine

Work Is At the Heart of Stress.

This is day one of February,the month that is chosen by heart and stroke organizations to highlight the degree of cardio vascular disease, especially among women. Most articles and advice focus on healthy diet and exercise, all most important. As a women coming from a family with a history of heart disease, my Mom had her first heart attack at 62 and a fatal one at age 70, I have had to be very cautious my whole life with choices I make that may negatively impact my health, so yes, eating properly and staying active are key.

There is another extremely important factor that I think is missed by some in the medical community, as it is not dircetly related to the "body," not seen as physical or biological and that is how we think and see the world. Our thought processes and perceptions can greatly influence the levels of our stress thus having impact on increasing or decreasing heart disease.

Eating well and exercising are key, but so is down time. Time to stop your thoughts, be quite, relax, breath deeply, take time out, meditate.

Life Coaching Activities to Reduce Life Work Stress

1. Repeat this: I have full control. It is up to me. No one else is to blame for my stress.

2. On a piece of paper note daily/weekly activities(work, family, you time). Note how much time is set aside for you.

3. Now note how you use this You Time. Are you relaxing your body and mind? Are you having quite time for you? Are you lowering stress? Are you relaxing?

4. If you don't take the You Time you will deplete your energy stocks and become stressed. Think about your cell phone many bars do you have??

5. Stress is a killer. Lower your stress, lessen your risk of heart disease.

As we begin this month of Love, make a promise to your own heart that you will be true to it and protect it. Begin each day with a peaceful thought. Make your heart your very own Valentine.

Your heart will love you for it!

Have a great day,
Coach Phyllis

1 comment:

  1. Everyone knows that Heart is a very important part of the body but mostly people do not care about it and they also don’t take proper measures about it.
    Life Coaching Tips
