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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lowering Christmas Stress Life Coaching Activities

Phyllis Reardon M.Ed.
Life Coach

I was just listening to an interviewer on our local radio station interview 'holiday shoppers'  at a local shopping center and I was struck by the words they used by shoppers to describe their experience/feelings. ....frustrated, stressed,anxious and many more......Why, I asked myself....then I thought of this post I did this time last year and thought I would re-post. Please use and share and make Christmas or the Holiday Season a relaxing one.

One well know Christmas song uses the refrain,

'the most wonderful time of the year.'

Is it? How come then there is so much stress?

Stress is not built into us. It is created by how we react to events in our life and Christmas is an event. How you respond to it may increase your stress.

Being aware of this is key to not allowing it to happen, or in lessening it through these Life Coaching Christmas tips.

Please use and share with clients or friends and family and it well may be the most wonderful time of the year.

1. Create your Christmas plan

Put pen to paper and write up activities and tasks for each day for the next two weeks. Check when completed.

2. Be reasonable & realistic with yourself and others

Remember, we are human and no one is perfect. The cakes, cookies and decorations you see on TV and in magazines are staged. It took many professionals many hours of their time to achieve this look. Cookies can burn and they do!

3. Focus on the real meaning of Christmas for you
If this means family, make sure you schedule uninterrupted family time. Turn off all phones for a period of time.

4. Introduce your children to some games you played as a child
Board games create memories and are great fun. They bring people together in a family circle.

5. Get other family members involved in house work

Depending on the age, simple and safe household tasks can be completed by most.

6. Be kind to Your Self
Take time to relax you. Go for a walk, take in a gym class, read a book, do nothing!

7. Decide to make Christmas Day a stress free day. That is up to you!

Have a stress free Christmas or Holiday Season.

Coach Phyllis


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh, yes, Christmas is near. I agree with your key points regarding a stress-free Christmas. I've done some of these before including planning for shopping and making lists on what should be done.
