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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Be Happy!!!Emotional Freedom Technique EFT St. John's NL

Phyllis Reardon
Success Coach M.Ed.

Good morning to all my subscribers! I haven't posted a blog in over a month. Life has been great but busy. I have two of my children getting married this summer...that can create busy!

I am not sure if I talked to you before about EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique. It is an amazing tool for keeping us healthy and happy. Isn't that what we all want in our life?

If you are in my local area I am offering a 3 hour workshop to teach you this technique for  use on yourself. The info is included below.

If you are not in my local area and woud like more info I can arrange a webinar format of my workshop to teach you this technique. Whether you are interested in my live Workshop or a Webinar please email me at  and we'll chat.

 Upcoming Live Workshop June 8th & 9th...St. John's, NL.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Workshop

The Lantern, Barnes Road
Presenter: Phyllis Reardon M.Ed

 June 8th  Friday   1:00 – 4:00   OR  June 9th  Saturday 9:30 – 12:30
EFT is a powerful tool for helping release personal negative emotions and beliefs. These personal negative thoughts can keep you from moving forward in life and can also contribute to stress and disease. In this 3 hour EFT Workshop you will be introduced to the concept of EFT and its extension Matrix Reimprinting; you will learn the Tapping process for personal use and will practice the procedure in relation to a Personal Peace Process.

This ancient but simple technique of tapping can contribute to a more healthy and enriched life.
Attendance is limited. Cost:  $25.00

Contact Phyllis to Register

 Have a wonderful May 23 and share your happiness with someone else today!
